HOW DO I DETERMINE WHETHER A PSYCHOLOGIST IS A GOOD FIT? You should choose a psychologist that is in good standing with the state licensing board (Oregon Board of Psychology), and who has training from an APA approved doctoral program. You can find a list of clinical psychology doctoral programs online via a google search. Dr. Starbird received her doctoral training from University of Maine. You should also determine whether you feel a sense of connection and enthusiasm about working with a specific therapist. If your intuition is telling you this person is not a good fit, trust yourself and keep interviewing therapists until you establish a better connection.

HOW DO I PAY FOR SERVICES? My billing clerk is easy to work with and will do all the direct billing to your insurance company. You will likely have a co-pay, which will be billed to a credit card that you will provide, or via a paper bill if you prefer. If you do not have medical insurance we will charge you a cash pay rate of $150 per session which will be sent to you as a paper bill if you so request, or billed to a debit or credit card on file. We will make payment as easy as possible for you.

HOW LONG DOES THERAPY TYPICALLY LAST? Every client has somewhat different needs. Some clients work with their therapist for the better part of a year, others for a few weeks or months. Your goals, investment in your therapy, insurance coverage, financial resources, and availability will all influence the length of the process. My goal is for you to feel that you have made the positive changes you hoped for within a reasonable amount of time. Chronic conditions typically take more time and may potentially required a referral to a psychiatrist for a medication evaluation.

HOW OFTEN DO I MEET WITH MY PSYCHOLOGIST? I usually meet with clients once a week in the early stages of therapy and less frequently, perhaps twice a month, in the later stages. Some clients request a few monthly follow-up sessions toward the end of the therapy process to help them keep on track. These decisions are up to you, but I will be pleased to offer you recommendations as well.


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